The individual data reporting agreement between AUTÓVÉD Kft. and our company, National Toll Payment Services Plc., terminates on 31 December 2023. As of 1 January 2024, the role of AUTÓVÉdD Kft. as a toll declaration operator ends, and as of this date, our company no longer accepts toll declaration-related data reporting through AUTÓVÉD Kft.
The HU-GO Hungarian electronic toll payment system will be undergoing significant transformation from 1 January 2024.
The individual data reporting agreement between GPSPlus Kft. and our company, National Toll Payment Services Plc., terminates on 2 December 2023. As of 3 December, the role of GPSPlus Kft. as a toll declaration operator ends, and as of this date, our company no longer accepts toll declaration-related data reporting through GPSPlus Kft.