Customer Service Office opening hours during the holidays

Payment with Routex fuel cards at NTPS’s Customer Service Offices

From 1 December 2014, payment is possible with the Routex fuel cards – issued by OMV – at National Toll Payment Services Plc.’s own POS’s, the lane-side POS’s located by Mosonmagyaróvár, and the POS’s along the Rajka-Hegyeshalom border, as well as at NTPS’s Customer Service Offices.

Penalty Amnesty

Dear Customer,


The amendment to Act LXVII of 2013 on the travelled distance based toll payable for the use of motorways, carriageways and highways has entered into effect on 09.11.2014. If you have already purchased your route ticket but have been fined between 01.07.2013 and 31.03.2014 for any of the reasons below, you have the option of submitting a request to the National Toll Payment Services PLC to have your penalty waived:

The most common errors related to the e-toll

Please read carefully  the most common user-made  errors  and avoid them when you use the toll road network.

It will be easier for vehicles which need route permit to pay e-toll

As of 11 August 2014 the Hungarian Public Road Non-profit Ltd. will also provide route ticket selling services in the electronic toll collection system for vehicles which need route permit. The advantage of comprehensive administration is that oversize or overweight vehicles can purchase their route permit and route ticket at the same time, at the same place.