How does two-factor customer authentication work in practice?
Two-factor customer authentication adds just a few seconds to the time required for an online purchase on the websites of NTPS Plc. ( and With each e-vignette or e-toll purchase and payment transaction, the bank will send a confirmation code to the telephone number filed with the card issuing bank as belonging to the bank card used in the transaction. In addition to the usual card details (name, card number, expiry, CVC/CVV code), customers will need to use this code to confirm and execute the financial operation initiated on NTPS Plc.’s online platforms and complete the electronic payment.
What should customers be aware of?
It is important that customers use the mobile telephone whose number is on record with their banks. Otherwise they will not receive the bank’s text message containing the identification code and will not be able to complete the purchase transaction. Customers, therefore, need to check what telephone number they have given their card issuing bank; this is to make sure that the bank’s message is indeed sent to the correct mobile phone number.
Why is two-factor customer authentication beneficial and for whom?
This simple solution will benefit bank card holders as it prevents the misuse of their data and damage by fraudsters. Furthermore, the service is free of charge, as banks do not charge a fee on the short text messages containing the identification code. It also suits National Toll Payment Services Plc., which can thus prevent financial operations suspected to be fraudulent and avoid related customer complaints. Incidentally, customers completed over 800,000 transactions for a total value of nearly HUF 60 billion on NTPS Plc.’s websites last year.