Information on the changes to the e-toll system’s User GTC

Information on the changes to the general terms and conditions applicable to specific contracts concluded for the use of the distance-based electronic toll service system, to enter into force on 1 February 2025.

Based on the general terms and conditions applicable to specific contracts concluded for the use of the distance-based electronic toll service system (hereinafter: GTC), the National Toll Payment Services Plc. (hereinafter: NTPS Plc.) is entitled to amend the GTC unilaterally.


Section 1(3) of Government Decree 196/2024 (VII. 8.) amending Government Decree 209/2013 (VI. 18.) on the implementation of Act LXVII of 2013 on distance-based tolls payable for the use of motorways, expressways and main roads amends Section 24(4) of Government Decree 209/2013 (VI. 18.) on the implementation of Act LXVII of 2013 on distance-based tolls payable for the use of motorways, expressways and main roads, with effect from 1 February 2025. Under the amendment, as of 1 February 2025, the Route ticket will be valid for a period of 120 minutes from the time of purchase.


In accordance with the above, NTPS Plc. as the bound service provider will amend the GTC on the basis of the amended legislation with effect from 1 February 2025.


With the same effect, the publication procedure pronounced in the GTC will also be amended in the event of an amendment to the GTC, provided that, if the amendment is required solely because of a change in the law affecting the content of the GTC, the publication deadline, which is at least 15 days before the entry into force of the amended GTC, provided for in the general rule may be shortened.


The Minister of Construction and Transport, as the supervisory authority, approved the above amendments under Decision no. KÖFÁT/5775-1/2025/HFF.


We hereby inform our Customers that under the GTC, after the publication of this notice, until the amended GTC’s date of entry into force, i.e. 1 February 2025, the contracted toll payers are entitled to terminate their contract with effect from the amended GTC’s date of entry into force. In this case, the date of termination of the contract shall be the amended GTC’s date of entry into force.