Changes in the e-toll system from mid-August and September

The number of basic tolled sections will be extended for vehicles over 3.5 t from 1 September 2024.

Based on Decree 23/2024 (VII. 31.) ÉKM of the Minister of Construction and Transport, Decree 25/2013 (V.31.) NFM of the Minister of National Development on toll rates and toll roads will be amended as of 1 September 2024.

The change will mainly affect toll sections for vehicles over 3.5 t maximum authorized total mass, with the inclusion of newly constructed road sections in the toll system and changes to the toll limits for some existing toll sections.

The new toll sections from 1 September 2024:

-       Section of the M6 motorway between Mohács and Lippó (between km 191-208, 16.5 km long)

-       Section of the M44 speedway between Szentkirály and Lakitelek (between km 24-30, 5.5 km long)

-       bypass section around Bátonyterenye of main road 23 (between km 0-2, 2 km long)

-       bypass section aroundSajószentpéter-Berente of main road 260 (between km 0-10, 10 km long)

-       section of main road 451 between Szentes and Orosháza (between km 46-77, 22.5 km long)

-       section of main road 512 between the M6 motorway and Kalocsa (between km 0-17, 17 km long)


Further amendments to the Decree are of a technical nature and implement the clarifications necessary to ensure the automatic adjustment of the basic rate of the infrastructure charge to inflation.

Based on Government Decree 220/2024 (VII. 31.), Government Decree 410/2007 (XII. 29.) and Government Decree 156/2009 (VII. 29.) will be amended from 16 August 2024. The amendment changes the fine rates that can be imposed by the authorities for unauthorized road use.

The fine rates applicable from 16 August 2024 for heavy goods vehicles, campers, towing vehicles (including semi-trailers) and combinations of vehicles consisting of such a motor vehicle and a towed trailer or semi-trailer, by vehicle category, the way the offence was committed and time bands, are shown in the table below.

Vehicle category

0–120th minute following the incident

121st–240th minute following the incident

241st–480th minute following the incident

Failure to pay the toll prior to starting to use the road (Section 14(a) of the Toll Act)


HUF 47,000

HUF 140,000

HUF 218,000


HUF 55,000

HUF 156,000

HUF 234,000


HUF 62,000

HUF 172,000

HUF 257,000


HUF 70,000

HUF 187,000

HUF 281,000

The vehicle category or environmental category indicated in the submitted declaration is lower than the actual category (Section 14(b) of the Toll Act)


HUF 37,000

HUF 112,000

HUF 172,000


HUF 44,000

HUF 125,000

HUF 187,000


HUF 56,000

HUF 137,000

HUF 211,000


HUF 62,000

HUF 150,000

HUF 234,000

The on-board unit is included in the register of invalidated units at the time the road is used (Section 14(c) of the Toll Act)


HUF 47,000

HUF 140,000

HUF 218,000


HUF 55,000

HUF 156,000

HUF 234,000


HUF 62,000

HUF 172,000

HUF 257,000


HUF 70,000

HUF 187,000

HUF 281,000


The fine rates applicable from 16 August 2024 for buses and coaches with a maximum authorized total mass of over 3.5 tonnes, by vehicle category, the way the offence was committed and the relevant time band, are shown in the table below:

Vehicle category

Number of axles
(with trailer)

0–120th minute following the incident

121st–240th minute following the incident

241st–480th minute following the incident

Failure to pay the toll prior to starting to use the road (Section 14(a) of the Toll Act)

M2, M3

2 axles

HUF 47,000

HUF 140,000

HUF 218,000

3 axles

HUF 55,000

HUF 156,000

HUF 234,000

4 axles

HUF 62,000

HUF 172,000

HUF 257,000

5 or more axles

HUF 70,000

HUF 187,000

HUF 281,000

The vehicle category or environmental category indicated in the submitted declaration is lower than the actual category (Section 14(b) of the Toll Act)

M2, M3

2 axles

HUF 37,000

HUF 112,000

HUF 172,000

3 axles

HUF 44,000

HUF 125,000

HUF 187,000

4 axles

HUF 56,000

HUF 137,000

HUF 211,000

5 or more axles

HUF 62,000

HUF 150,000

HUF 234,000

The on-board unit is included in the register of invalidated units at the time the road is used (Section 14(c) of the Toll Act)

M2, M3

2 axles

HUF 47,000

HUF 140,000

HUF 218,000

3 axles

HUF 55,000

HUF 156,000

HUF 234,000

4 axles

HUF 62,000

HUF 172,000

HUF 257,000

5 or more axles

HUF 70,000

HUF 187,000

HUF 281,000