Information on the new section of Motorway M4

A new section of Motorway M4 between Berettyóújfalu and Nagykereki (country border) has recently been officially opened to traffic.

Wearing a mask and social distancing remains a top priority at our customer service offices

To prevent a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) continues to take all reasonable efforts to protect and safeguard the health of its customers and staff.

Foreign carriers can also pay the toll payable for the use of roads in Hungary at the border crossing point of Nagylak, located along the motorway

A new point of sale has opened at the border crossing point of Csanádpalota–Nagylak II, located along the motorway.

Good to know | Toll payment during the epidemic

A continuously updated toll payment information repository of National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) to avoid misinformation, not only infection

Zmiany w systemie elektronicznego poboru opłat drogowych HU-GO ważne od 15 marca 2020 roku

Minister odpowiedzialny za innowacje i technologie swoim rozporządzeniem nr ITM 8/2020 (28 II) zmienił rozporządzenie NFM nr 25/2013 (13 V) o wymiarze opłat drogowych i o drogach objętych opłatą drogową. Nowe regulacje wchodzą w życie z dniem 15 marca 2020 roku.